Senin, 21 November 2011

Entitlement Hater Paul Ryan Was A Social Security Baby

When Representative Paul Ryan was 16 years old , tragedy struck his family. His 55 year old father had passed away from a heart attack. Young Paul Ryan found his father's lifeless body and was burdened by the fact that he had to tell his mother and siblings of this horrible situation.

After his father's passing, young Paul Ryan started collecting social security benefits until the age of 18 years old. He took this benefit and saved it for his college education. Representative Paul Ryan is one example of the millions of people whose lives have depended on our social contract with the American people. Without this benefit, his mother would have had to make even tougher decisions and Representative Paul Ryan may not have been able to pay for his college education. This social contract lifted him and his entire family out of a tough situation.

Many people do not know that 30% of the social security fund goes directly to widows,orphans and the disabled. It is not solely for the benefit of retirees. Unfortunately this social contract is under a regressive attack by the Republicans, including Paul Ryan.

Under Paul Ryan's Roadmap for America budget, he wants to take a portion of social security and funnel it to Wall Street to gamble with, rather than having the current program stand as it is, as an insurance program rather than an investment. Paul Ryan's plan states,

"Initially, workers are allowed to invest 2 percent of their first $ 10,000 of annual payroll into personal accounts, and 1 percent of annual payroll above that up to the Social Security earnings limit,"

"Eventually, by 2042, workers will be able to invest 8 percent up to the inflation-adjustment level, and 4 percent of payroll above that, for an account averaging 5.1 percent,

Paul Ryan isn't the only regressive Republican who's younger years have benefited from our progressive social contract, United States Senator Scott Brown from Massachusetts benefited from welfare programs also.

The attempt of these regressives is not that they want to reform the system, they do not believe the government should be involved in social programs at all. It is purely ideological, even though it was progressives that lifted them out of dire straits.

Refreshing News

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